European route

European route

African route

African route
The red line will indicate our progress

Wednesday, 24 January 2007

The Dream

It all started in Mozambique on a 4X4 trip in June of 1997 (my the time has passed), we (Brian & Maureen Day, Willie & Ingrid Hardman and ourselves Dave & Beryl Kotze) spoke about a trip through Africa. We felt that 2007 would be the ideal timing for such a trip as our youngest daughter, Rayanne would be matriculating in 2006 and during 2006 was Dave’s 50th and Carmen-Jo’s (our eldest) 21st, so 2007 was a “free year” for us. March was decided as the departure month allowing us to submit TAX returns etc. So it was set March 2007.
What seems a dream to us would be a nightmare for others (my sister being one). I suppose either you like it or you don’t. There is something very special about sitting out in the middle of nowhere at night with no sounds, except nature talking to you and no lights, except the stars above.
A gap year at 50 (Dave), are you out of your mind, must be a comment some people have thought, but as yet not said. They could possible be right, three kids at varsity, keeping our home running with a maid and dogs left at home, with no income. Why not wait a few years you may think. But when is the right time? Either you have the money and the time but now you are too old or sickly to do such a trip or you get too wrapped up in your day to day routine and before you know it, its too late. In fact we, and all those traveling with us, will have to come back and work again. So if you haven’t done what you have always dreamt of doing, don’t leave it too late, get on and do it. You only have one life so make the best of it.

Wednesday, 17 January 2007

The Team

Brian & Maureen Day – Brian is an auto electrician and Maureen is a nursing sister.
Willie & Ingrid Hardman – Willie is a motor mechanic and Ingrid a bookkeeper.
Dave & Beryl Kotze – Dave is involved with IT with a technical background and Beryl is a Pharmacist.In about August 2006, Lorraine and Neville Karg - dairy farmers from Mooi River joined our group making an ideal foursome

The planning stage

We only started having meetings at the beginning of 2006 with one meeting a month. Maureen was kind enough to present us with an agenda covering topics like security, medical, vehicle equipment and of course the route. We decided to cover a country each month. So each couple was supposed to bring items of interest that they would like to see on the country in question. Some of us were better at this that others and Maureen made extensive notes which she handed out to us. So although we have laid out a route to hook up all the places of interest in each country, this is only going to be a guideline. What I am looking forward to, is not having to be anywhere on any particular da,y at any specific time. We are dictated to by calendars and watches every day of our lives, how is it going to feel not knowing or caring whether it is Monday or Sunday, 8am or 2 Pm? Just living each day for what it gives and discussing the next day over the campfire.